A woman is shocked to find out that her long-lost cat is still alive and well after 13 years!

A woman is shocked to find out that her long-lost cat is still alive and well after 13 years!

The cat in the pictures below, Boo, ran away from home when it was 4 years old. Janet Adamowicz was very sad when she lost her pet. In the English city of Harrogate, she put up ads right away, but Boo was nowhere to be found.

After one year, Janet gave up and stopped looking for Boo. Everything went well after she got two cute cats. She had no idea that 13 years later, Boo would just show up out of the blue. Janet got a call one day about her lost cat. First, she thought of her two cats, but both of them were home. The woman on the other end of the queue said that the system showed that she owned a cat named Boo. To her shock, Janet found Boo living and well. Her heart shook and her mind raced.

Must see: A Cat That Lives with Dogs Doesn’t Realize the Fact that He’s a Cat

She went right away to get Boo, and to her surprise, the cat was in pretty good health. A woman brought Boo to Wicstun Vets because the cat had been hanging out near her house 40 miles away for a few weeks. Even though it had been years, Boo recognized Janet right away. It was a very emotional meeting.

This is yet another reason why microchips are very important. Everyone who has a pet should get their babies chipped because they’re meant to help in cases like these. See pictures of Boo’s story below:

This is Boo, 4-years-old when she went missing back in 2005

A woman is shocked to find out that her long-lost cat is still alive 1

Her heartbroken owner, Janet Adamowicz, searched high and low for a year before finally giving up

A woman is shocked to find out that her long-lost cat is still alive 2

But then, 13 years later, she got a call out of the blue from a vet 40 miles away

A woman is shocked to find out that her long-lost cat is still alive 3

“I got a call on Thursday to say I had a cat missing,” Janet said

A woman is shocked to find out that her long-lost cat is still alive 4

“I don’t know where she had been, I think possibly a stray but kept being fed by strangers or catching her own food”

A woman is shocked to find out that her long-lost cat is still alive 5

“Boo recognised her mum straight away and within minutes the two were thoroughly enjoying plenty of face rubs, cuddles and meows”

A woman is shocked to find out that her long-lost cat is still alive 6

Also see: The Endearingly Special Kitten Who Enchants Countless Fans: Meet Minnie


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