Gambetta HS Knife Attack Arras, Man Killed Teacher & Two other wounded

Gambetta HS Knife Attack Arras, Man Killed Teacher & Two other wounded

Gambetta HS Knife Attack Arras – At a high school in northern France on Friday, a guy carrying a knife killed one teacher while injuring two others and a security officer. This attack is being looked at as possible terrorism.

Arras, a city located around 115 miles (185 kilometers) north of Paris, is where the attack on the Gambetta high school occurred, and anti-terror prosecutors claimed to be in charge of the inquiry.

One of the first law enforcement personnel on the site, Sliman Hamzi, reported that the alleged attacker, a former pupil at the school, screamed “Allahu akbar,” or “God is great,” in Arabic.

Hamzi claimed that a different cop who was driving by the high school and called in notified him. He “was shouting,’someone is attacking with a knife,'” Hamzi stated.

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Hamzi claimed that when he arrived at the school, he found the deceased victim lying on the ground outside and the assailant being led away.

Although they arrived immediately, Hamzi’s colleagues were unable to save the victim.

In France, attacks on schools are unusual. The interior and education ministers, along with President Emmanuel Macron, were on their way to the scene, and the administration requested that authorities increase security at all of the nation’s schools.

According to Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, the alleged attacker has been taken into custody.

In the Pas-de-Calais area, which contains Arras, Julie Duhamel, a representative of the Unsa teachers’ union, told Franceinfo that teachers had seen the suspect’s radicalization “a few years ago.” According to Franceinfo, who cited a police source, the suspect’s brother was also detained.

Parents reported that more nearly two hours after the attack, students were still confined to the locked-down school.

Three years had passed since a teacher was beheaded outside a school in a suburb of Paris before Friday’s assault. Samuel Paty, a history and geography teacher, was killed on October 16, 2020, which was also a Friday, by a young man of radicalized Chechen descent who was 18 years old.

France High School Stabbing – Man Killed Teacher

A history teacher was apparently the target of the attacker, according to Martin Doussau, a philosophy instructor at the Gambetta high school.

“The attacker asked me if I taught history while I was being pursued by him. ‘Are you a history teacher, are you a history teacher?’ he asked. “I barricaded myself behind a door until police used a stun gun to subdue the attacker,” said Doussau, recalling how he did so.

I immediately thought of Samuel Paty when he turned around and asked whether I was a history teacher, Doussau told reporters.

As a result of the weekend attack by Hamas on southern Israel and the military reaction by Israel, which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of people on both sides, tensions have been raised throughout the world. Muslims throughout the world have called for large-scale demonstrations following Friday prayers in response to Israel’s ferocious bombing campaign in Gaza.

In response to an increase in antisemitic incidents since the Hamas attack, Darmanin ordered local authorities to prohibit all pro-Palestinian demonstrations on Thursday.

According to estimates, France has the largest Muslim population in Western Europe as well as the third-largest Jewish population in the world behind Israel and the United States.

The National Assembly “expresses its solidarity and thoughts for the victims, their families and the educational community as we learn that a teacher has been killed and several others have been injured,” according to Naima Moutchou, deputy president of France’s lower house of parliament.

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Source: The Associated Press

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