Marina Bay Cruise Bomb Threat, 39 Year Old Man Arrested For allegedly making bomb threat

Marina Bay Cruise Bomb Threat

A 39 Year old man was arrested for allegedly making bomb threat on Cruise ship at Marina Bay Cruise Singapore.

Marina Bay, Singapore – On Saturday, a guy who is 39 years old and is accused of making a threat concerning a bomb on a cruise ship on Friday (October 13) will be charged with making the threat.
According to a statement released by the police on Saturday, he was taken into custody on Friday for the suspected involvement he had in a case of passing false information about a harmful thing.

On Friday, at approximately 4:03 p.m., a cruise operator called the police to report that an alleged bomb threat was made onboard a cruise ship that was docked at the Marina Bay Cruise Centre.

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As a direct response to the threat, the police, the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority, and the security personnel from the Marina Bay Cruise Centre carried out extensive searches aboard the cruise ship.
On board the yacht, there was not a single object that posed a danger.

Within three hours following the initial claim of a bomb threat, officers from the Central Police Division verified the identification of the suspect through follow-up investigations. They then arrested the individual.

If he is found guilty, the maximum sentence he might receive is seven years in prison, a fine of up to fifty thousand dollars, or both.

The cruise ship’s operations were suspended so that further security checks could be carried out, which caused a delay in the boarding procedure of around 4,000 passengers that lasted for two hours and affected approximately 4,000 total passengers.

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“The police treats all security threats seriously and will not hesitate to take action against anyone who causes public alarm with false threats,” according to the authorities.

“In addition to causing fear and inconvenience to the public, making false threats faces a costly strain on public resources that must be provided to resolve the incident.”

Source: thestraittimes

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