Stray Cat Brings Her Babies to a Woman Who Helped Her

Stray Cat Brings Her Babies to a Woman Who Helped Her

Stray Cat Brings Her Babies to a Woman Who Helped Her 1

Stray cats need all the help they can get, especially when it’s cold outside or they’re pregnant. Remember that these cats are left alone and can’t always look after themselves. It’s hard for strays to find food when they are pregnant. So they are very thankful for anyone who gives them food and a place to stay.

Also see: Couple Intends to Rehome Cat, but Devoted Dog Refuses to Let Her Go

Stray Cat Brings Her Babies to a Woman Who Helped Her 2

Stray Cat Brings Her Babies to a Woman Who Helped Her 3

Not long ago, a Canadian woman told an amazing story about a stray cat that brought her kittens because she had helped the cat before. A cat came to Lisianne’s yard and was fed by her. The cat and Lisianne quickly became friends. Lissiane really needed more help when Usagi the cat got pregnant, so she brought her litter box to her.

Stray Cat Brings Her Babies to a Woman Who Helped Her 4

Stray Cat Brings Her Babies to a Woman Who Helped Her 5

Lisianne didn’t just leave it that way. Five of the kittens that she put up for adoption have already found new homes. Lisianne’s friend took in the sixth one. Look at Usagi’s “gang.” Aren’t those kittens the cutest things you’ve ever seen?

Must see: No One Expected this Rescue Stray Would Survive the Night, but Love Brought Her Back to Life

Stray Cat Brings Her Babies to a Woman Who Helped Her 6

Stray Cat Brings Her Babies to a Woman Who Helped Her 7


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