Isa Balado Grope Video Spain, 25 Year Old Man Arrested for Sexual assault

Isa Balado Grope Video Spain

Isa Balado Grope Video Spain

Isa Balado, a Spanish news reporter, was on broadcast when she was groped by a man who has since been detained. The journalist was in the middle of giving a live report from Madrid when a man of 25 years of age approached her from behind and grabbed her buttocks.

Balado tried to move on and continue her coverage despite the horrible interruption, ignoring the man who remained near her, but it did not go unnoticed in the studio. Despite the interruption, Balado continued to report the story.

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“Isa, I apologize for interrupting, but did he just touch your butt?” Her coworker Nacho Abad questioned her before referring to the individual as “foolish.”

“Yes,” Balado said. She then went to the man, who was said to be a native of Romania, and asked him: “As much as you want to know which TV station we are, do you really have to grope me?” I’m working while I’m on a live performance right now.’

Before leaving, the man made an attempt to touch her hair, but he angrily denied having touched her buttocks and insisted that he hadn’t. Balado began to offer an apology to the camera before Abad cut her off, stating that she had nothing for which she should apologize.

25 Year Old Man Arrested for Sexual assault

Abad afterwards disclosed on air that the programme had called the police about the incident, while their co-presenter Diego Losada pointed out the individual in question and stated, “The character is already arrested.”

‘Let the entire weight of the law fall on him, and let everyone know that actions like this cannot go unpunished,’ you should say. Isa Balado is an excellent example of a professional. All of my support is with you, partner.

Later on, the Spanish police published a video indicating that a man wearing the same attire as the one who interrupted Balado had been arrested; however, more information on his identity has not yet been disclosed at this time. According to the tweets from the police department, the suspect was “arrested for sexually assaulting a reporter while she was doing a live television show.”

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Update: The judge releases the Romanian who touched Isa Balado, a reporter, since he didn’t understand “violence, urgency, or intimidation.” The judge has approved the detainee’s release without any restrictions because she does not understand “a situation of risk, nor urgency, nor violence, nor intimidation against the victim, whom she did not know until the moment the events occurred,” according to a statement from the Investigative Court No. 54 of Madrid. After groping the television reporter’s butt as she was conducting a live broadcast on the street, the man was taken into custody for sexual assault.

Source: Metro

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