Youghal Dead Body Found Co Cork Man in his 60s

Youghal Dead Body Found Co Cork Man in his 60s

Gardai officers are looking into the circumstances surrounding the discovery of a poorly decomposed body on a property in the city of Cork.

Youghal is located in east Cork, and the body was found inside a home property there.

It is believed that the bones belong to a guy who was in his late 60s at the time of their discovery, which took place after concerns were raised regarding the individual’s well-being.

The ominous finding was made on Thursday morning, and cops took quick action to fence off the area so that it could be thoroughly investigated by technical investigators.

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A comprehensive post mortem examination will now be carried out at Cork University Hospital (CUH), after which the Office of the State Pathologist has been informed of the situation.

Garda emphasised that the findings of the post mortem examination will be the deciding factor in determining the scope of their inquiry into the death.

On the other hand, there were no indications of a break-in or any other form of commotion at the property that was involved.

Despite the dismal discovery, investigators are maintaining an open mind regarding the death that was involved, according to one Garda source who stated that there was nothing at this point to indicate that the death involved was suspicious.

There will be an examination of food items as well as documentation at the residence in an effort to gain a better idea of the possible length of time the man had been dead.

Gardai are also speaking with the man’s acquaintances, neighbours, and other people he’s associated with to determine the time since he was seen in the area of his home in east Cork.

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The Garda have a strong suspicion that they are aware of the identity of the person, but an official identification won’t be possible until after the post mortem examination.

It’s possible that dental records will be requested.

It is speculated that the body of the man may have lain on the land for a period of time ranging from a few weeks to potentially even months before it was discovered.

The Garda will compile a file on the incident in preparation for an inquest that will be held by the Cork Coroner the following year.

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Source: Irish Independent

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