Marina East 3 metre long Crocodile Spotted, Crocodile will be put down for safety

Marina East 3 metre long Crocodile Spotted, Crocodile will be put down for safety

Due to worries for the safety of the public, a sizable crocodile that was discovered on a beach in Marina East Drive on Tuesday will be put to sleep.

Mr. How Choon Beng, director of animal management and outreach at the National Parks Board (NParks), responded to inquiries by saying that the approximately 3-meter-long saltwater crocodile was captured and taken out of East Coast Park, a well-liked beachside location.

To ensure public safety, the trapped crocodile will be killed humanely, according to Mr. How.

He continued by saying that NParks had heard about the crocodile sighting on Tuesday.

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Controversial decision to euthanize the crocodile for public safety

Mr. How responded that there is a chance of the saltwater crocodile returning to the area where it was seized, which is why it must be put down rather than transferred.

He said that saltwater crocodiles, often referred to as estuary crocodiles, can be found in both brackish and freshwater environments for feeding and resting. They are typically found in or near water or on mudflats away from tourist routes.

They primarily hunt at night and consume fish, which is the most plentiful prey in Singapore, according to Mr. How.

The Herpetological Society of Singapore is a volunteer organisation, and Mr. Shivaram Rasu, a scientific officer there, said the decision to put the crocodile down is worrying.

Given that the severely endangered species in the area is an apex predator, he said that it is unquestionably a crucial component of the ecosystem to which it belongs. As a superior option to euthanasia, we’d like to recommend migration.

A 1.53-meter-long crocodile that fishers had sighted in East Coast Park was captured and moved to the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve in 2021.

According to Mr. How, the crocodile was smaller and “assessed to be of a lesser risk to public safety.”

The Wetland Reserve is no longer a good place to release animals because of the enormous crocodile population there now.

Insights into the behavior of saltwater crocodiles

According to Mr. Shivaram, saltwater crocodiles constantly migrate between islands, along coastlines, and out to sea, and they rarely stay in one spot for an extended period of time.

Crocodiles can occasionally be observed in Singapore’s Changi, Pasir Ris, and West Coast Park, but they are most frequently found at the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve.

The largest living reptile in the world, the saltwater croc, is widespread throughout South Asia, South-east Asia, and parts of Australia, according to Mr. Shivaram. The crocodile sighted at Marina East Drive might simply be one that got loose from its usual habitat in Sungei Buloh, southern Johor, or the Riau archipelago.

Mr. How advised the people to remain composed and get away if they come into contact with a crocodile. They shouldn’t get too close, startle the animal, or give it food.

In areas where crocodiles have been spotted, warning signs and advisory warnings have been put. People should follow these.

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Source: The Straits Times



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