Sabah 5 terror suspects arrested 1 was the woman, Esscom chief said

Sabah 5 terror suspects arrested 1 was the woman, Esscom chief said

Sabah 5 terror suspects arrested

Sabah 5 terror suspects arrested – As reported by the head of the Eastern Sabah Security Commander (Esscom), as of the month of September in this year, the state of Sabah in Malaysian Borneo has already captured five suspected terrorists, one of whom was a female.

According to the Malay newspaper Sinar Harian, Datuk Victor Sanjos said that three of the suspects were suspected of having links to terror finance, and the other two were suspected of being supporters of the Royal Security Force (RSF) of the so-called Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo.

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In 2013, a militant organisation known as the RSF entered into territories in Lahad Datu and Semporna in an effort to establish their traditional territorial claim to a portion of eastern Sabah. This led to a violent confrontation with Malaysian security and defence officials that lasted for 43 days.

Sanjos also stated that Esscom has 13 individuals on their wanted list and named four groups on its radar. These groups include the RSF, Islamic State or Daulah Islamiyah groups, maritime kidnap-for-ransom groups, and the Abu Sayyaf Group. All of these groups pose a threat to the southern Philippines. Sanjos also stated that Esscom has 13 individuals on their wanted list.

In accordance to the official in charge of security, although the fact that the authorities of Sabah take the possibility of threats posed by these groups very seriously, there is no evidence to suggest that these groups have engaged in any activities to support their claims or to recruit locals as members, as of the time of the authorities’ most recent assessment.

“This is due to the fact that earlier arrests of insiders served as a warning to the general public. According to what Sanjos was quoted as saying, the level of danger posed by prospective threats is currently considered to be moderate. This evaluation is based on the enforcement steps taken by the Philippine government, which have shown a serious and determined attitude to identifying and, ultimately, neutralizing the threats posed by these organizations, as stated in the previous sentence.”

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On the other hand, he stated that Esscom is continuing to be watchful in terms of security surveillance and the gathering of intelligence in the eastern part of Sabah, which borders the southern Philippines.


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