Newcastle Woman Tasered New South Wales After 9 hour Siege

Newcastle Woman Tasered New South Wales After 9 hour Siege

Key Highlights:

  • A woman’s nine-hour standoff near Newcastle, New South Wales, ends tragically.
  • The woman, facing eviction, threatened a real estate agent with an axe.
  • Despite police efforts, the standoff persisted until late in the evening.
  • Non-lethal force, including a Taser and a bean bag round, was used to apprehend the woman.
  • The woman succumbed to her injuries shortly after being taken to the hospital.

The Incident

A woman was killed after a nine-hour standoff that took place near Newcastle in New South Wales overnight. Tactical police officers used a Taser and a bean bag round to bring the situation to an end.

The police were called to a block of units in Stockton just around 12.30 o’clock yesterday afternoon after receiving complaints that a lady was reportedly threatening a real estate agent with an axe. According to the woman’s neighbours, she had just received notification that she would be evicted from her flat.

“It’s obvious that she was set off by something, and that’s a tragedy. A neighbor remarked that it was clear that she was in trouble and that it appeared as though she had been pleading for assistance more frequently as of late. In addition, the woman, who is 47 years old, allegedly threatened officers with the axe and barricaded herself inside of a unit.

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A neighbor reported that the woman could be heard yelling and screaming while also banging the fence with the axe, indicating that she meant business.

Prolonged Standoff

Although police negotiators and tactical officers were dispatched to the area, it was many hours before officers were finally able to enter the building at approximately 9.45 p.m. According to one of the neighborhood residents, “[Police] tried to talk to her for a few hours, but she was not going to come out.”

Assistant Commissioner Peter McKenna stated that tactical officers had entered the unit, and that during the arrest, they had utilised a single bean bag round in addition to a Taser.

A bean bag round is a type of round that can be fired from a standard shotgun. Its purpose is to temporarily disable a suspect during an arrest while causing significantly less damage than a bullet would.

McKenna stated that she believed the woman’s injury to her right shoulder was caused by the bean bag round. The woman had received an injury to her right shoulder.She was able to walk to an ambulance, but her health worsened after she arrived there, so she was rushed to the hospital, where she passed just a short time later.

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Source: 9news

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