Piccadilly Bus Crash Manchester, Bus Smash in to the Shop building at Manchester

Piccadilly Bus Crash Manchester

A bus has been crashed into the Manchester Shop Building Today at Piccadilly Garden. Multiple people are wounded. 

Piccadilly Bus Crash Manchester Today – A bus has been stated to have caused multiple casualties after crashing into a building in the city core of Manchester. Shop employees have been left “shaken up” by the incident.

Pictures taken at the site show what looks to be a collision between a bus and the City Tower building, which is located in a close vicinity to the Piccadilly Gardens Metrolink stop in Manchester. Emergency services, including fire trucks and ambulances, were seen racing to the scene.

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The tram stop is temporarily out of service, according to a statement issued by Transport for Greater Manchester. They made the following statement: “At this time, Piccadilly Gardens is closed to all bus services as a result of an ongoing police incident involving a bus.” Every bus is getting off at a different stop in the central business district. Piccadilly Gardens will not be served by Metrolink in the foreseeable future.

“A bus has just crashed into the front of a shop at Piccadilly Gardens in Manchester, never seen so many emergency service vehicles in my life,” a witness wrote on X, which was once known as Twitter. In a proper and correct manner, horrifying.”

In another image on social media, the user writes, “One of the most horrific scenes I’ve ever seen. Sincerely hoping that everyone who was involved in the incident at Piccadilly Gardens will be fine and will be able to recover. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected.

Piccadilly garden bus crash today

Image credit: Twitter/X

According to a second eyewitness, “there was glass smashed everywhere, and the driver was still revving.” “We have four ambulances, two senior paramedics, a cycle responder, an operations manager, and the Hazardous Area Response Team on the scene,” said a representative for the North West Ambulance Service. There have been quite a few people killed.”

The employees of the T4 Bubble Tea development were left “shaken up” after the bus slammed into one of their stores. “T4 UK have today been informed of the bus crash at our newly opened Manchester store,” stated Ian Wood in a statement issued by T4 UK Franchise Ltd.

“To begin, we would like to wish everyone who was involved in the accident a speedy recovery. Once they have made a full recovery, we will be more than happy to have them visit our store. We are going to keep our doors locked until we are able to get the retail location back on its feet. Everyone on the staff is safe, although they are understandably shaken.

Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) released the following statement through a spokesperson: “At 1:15 p.m. today (Monday, October 16), two fire engines from Manchester Central and Salford fire stations as well as the technical response unit from Ashton fire station were called to an incident on Parker Street, located in the Manchester City Centre.” There are still crews on the scene.”

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“At approximately one o’clock today (Monday, October 16), police were called to reports of a collision involving a bus and a shop in Piccadilly Gardens,” a representative for Greater Manchester Police stated. “The incident occurred in the area of Piccadilly Gardens.” The Greater Manchester Police Department, the Northwest Ambulance Service, and the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service have all sent officers to the scene.

“Roads in the area have been closed off as emergency services continue to work at the scene of the incident and officers from the GMP’s Serious incident Investigation Unit are present. During this time, we would like to advise members of the public to stay away from the area if at all possible as we investigate the entire circumstances.

Source: mirror.co.uk

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