A Couple Saw Ginger Kitten Wander into Traffic And Jumped To Help Since No One Else Would

A Couple Saw Ginger Kitten Wander into Traffic And Jumped To Help Since No One Else Would

Two people saw a little ginger cat walk into the street. When no one else would, they ran into the busy road to save him.

“Three weeks ago, I saw this little guy about to walk into crosstown traffic during lunchtime. Someone on Reddit wrote, “Now (he’s) taken over our house and our hearts.”

“Nothing will be scarier than realizing that little fluffy thing is about to run right into something dangerous.” I hardly took a moment to look across the street before I grabbed him! “Very, very scary, but also very, very rewarding,” she said.

“When they picked him up, the cat was very scared. “He was trying to get away by meowing and crawling all over our arms and shoulders all the time. He didn’t calm down until we put him to bed and turned off the lights. He then slept for hours, which is a lot longer than we know he would normally sleep for.

At first, they thought the cat was a girl, so they named him Nala.

“He lied to us. We finally took him to the vet and found out that Nala is actually a little Simba. She said she would be about 3 months, but we found him when we were just about 2 months.”

Little Simba talks a lot now. He always meows when he wants to be cuddled and tells his people stories while he sleeps.

Also see: A Cat That Lives with Dogs Doesn’t Realize the Fact that He’s a Cat

He brought my boyfriend back to the house (I had to go to work) and stayed with him for the first couple of hours, so he seems to already really like him, she said.

“He has taken over our home and our hearts!”

If you had to, would you run into traffic to save someone?

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Also see: The Top Cat People Celebrities in Hollywood

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