Walsall Dog Attack 10 Year Old Boy, 60-year-old woman was arrested

Walsall Dog Attack 10 Year Old Boy

It was captured on video that a little child, aged 10, was being attacked by a dog in the garden of his home while the boy’s family urgently sought to free him.

Mohammed Sami Raza was playing football on the front drive of his home in Walsall when an out-of-control dog pounced on him and bit him for a period of two minutes. The incident left him with serious injuries. It is one of a slew of attacks that have taken place this week, most of which involved XL Bully dogs, and it comes amid growing calls to outlaw the breed.

Walsall Dog Attack 10 Year Old Boy

Image credit: Gohar Siddique

The horrifying event was caught on camera, and the footage shows the child wailing in agony and pleading for assistance while the terrifying assault was taking place. The dog was put down, according to the West Midlands Police, while the woman, who was 60 years old, was taken into custody and later released with a caution.

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Gohar Siddique, the boy’s father, decided to spread the video in an effort to educate people about the issue. Although it is not known what type of dog is shown in the video, he strongly recommended that pet owners secure their animals at all times. The manufacturing worker, who was 36 years old, was quoted as saying, “I simply want to make sure this doesn’t happen to other people. Young children should not be subjected to this kind of situation.

Walsall Dog Attack 10 Year Old Boy 2

Image credit: Gohar Siddique

The student can be seen in the footage kicking a football towards his home just before the wild animal suddenly appears out of nowhere and attacks on him. As the dog tightens its grip on the child’s arm, the child, who is dressed in a red t-shirt and shorts, is thrown to the ground.

More than a quarter of a minute passed before assistance arrived, during which time the youngster was subjected to a sustained assault that left him with injuries to both his arms and legs. Two other women raced to the rescue of the youngster, but due to the dog’s power, it took them a little while longer to free the kid.

Before a group of three people were able to eventually release the child from the animal’s grip, one of the adults called down a cab and asked for assistance. Before it finally let go of their grasp and rushed away, the animal was observed being struck with a toy gun and other objects by a man and two women. Mohammed was taken by ambulance to Walsall Manor Hospital, where he is currently being treated for his injuries and is in the process of being scheduled for surgery.

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Source: Mirror

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