Harpurhey Stabbing Tavistock Square, 14 year old Boy Arrested

Harpurhey Stabbing Tavistock Square

Greater Manchester Police have announced that a kid who was stabbed on Friday in North Manchester has passed away. Another boy who was also 14 years old has been arrested on suspicion of murder in connection with the incident.

At approximately 6:05 p.m., police were called to the scene of the incident, which took place in Tavistock Square in Harpurhey. The child was rushed to the hospital, but he could not recover from his injuries and passed away there. According to the police, Family Liaison Officers are currently assisting his family, and a crime scene has been established on Tavistock Place.

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14 year old Boy Arrested for Murder

The young suspect who was caught and taken into custody is currently being questioned by the authorities. The declaration of a Section 60 authority by the police, which began at 8:26 p.m. on Friday and will continue for the next 24 hours, means that the police will have the ability to arrest and search anybody within a geographic region that includes portions of the Monsall and Harpurhey suburbs of North Manchester.

Detective Superintendent Phil Key issued the following statement: “First and foremost, I would like to offer my most sincere condolences to the family during this extremely trying time.” We have taken this course of action to ensure the safety of those members of the public who live and work in the area that is affected by the incident. A Section 60 authority has been set up, and it will remain in effect for the next 24 hours, coming to an end at 8:26 p.m. today evening.

He proceeded by saying, “We understand that the use of a Section 60 can cause concern to local residents; however, we only use these powers when they are necessary and fair.

Because protecting the public’s safety is our top priority, we will be enforcing Section 60 in the surrounding region in an effort to reduce instances of aggressive conduct and forestall the occurrence of any such serious occurrences in the future.

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Source: mirror.co.uk

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