A woman leaves her husband for her 35 cats and says it was the best choice she’s ever made!

A woman leaves her husband for her 35 cats and says it was the best choice she’s ever made!

“A woman who calls herself a “crazy cat lady” has left her husband for her 35 cats and says she has never been happy.”

A woman leaves her husband for her 35 cats 1

She says her 33-year-old husband told her she had to get rid of the cats or he would leave. There is only one Doberman dog and 35 Snowshoes, which are a rare type of Siamese cat. Kelly is happy living with them and five Chihuahuas.

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The happy pet mum says she will always be ‘totally committed’ to her cats, even though it costs her £15,000 a year for food, vet bills and insurance.

She lives in Plymouth, Devon, and said, “I wasn’t happy in the relationship, and he said at one point, ‘It’s me or the cats.'” I don’t like being told what to do, so I told him to leave.

We’re much better as a family now, but the kids still see him often. Kelly has won awards for her work as a cat breeder, and her work has helped spread the word about the rare Snowshoe breed around the world. She has had to make changes to her home to make it more cat-friendly because having so many cats in the house has put her health at great risk. To stop smells and the spread of disease, white plastic has been put over the walls of her living area.

A woman leaves her husband for her 35 cats 2

Kelly is a full-time mom and web writer. She said, “It can get crazy sometimes, but the kids love being able to run free with the dogs, and I love my cats.” Some people might think I’m crazy, but I can’t picture life without them.

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Even though she loved cats more, her then-husband couldn’t handle it and left the family home. Kelly wouldn’t drop his name.

Kelly only has the cats for two litters before they find their “forever home” when they are two years old. The good news is that she does find forever homes for many of them in the end.

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