This little kitten gets its head stuck in a wooden fence and begs for help

This little kitten gets its head stuck in a wooden fence and begs for help

This cute little guy got his head stuck in a hole while looking for his brothers. The kittens that were left behind were waiting for someone to come and save them. One’s eyes were closed and sick, so it was clear that it needed help. Good news: someone saw the cat stuck and went to help it, only to find that it wasn’t alone.

This little kitten gets its head stuck in a wooden fence and begs for help 1

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This group of kittens was found by Alley Cat Rescue, a group in LA that does a neuter-return project. The group took the litter in and cared for the little Meeps around the clock. The kitten got stronger over the next few days and now sleeps with her brothers every night.

This little kitten gets its head stuck in a wooden fence and begs for help 2

This little kitten gets its head stuck in a wooden fence and begs for help 3

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The cats looked better and better every day. Getting them all healthy took a while. They needed drugs to treat different infections, as well as probiotics and medicine to get rid of parasites. The kitten that was found stuck in the wooden fence, Meeps, was the smallest of the litter and needed the most care. A cute white kitten, the kitten loves to cuddle with everyone and keeps getting stronger, just like her brothers.

This little kitten gets its head stuck in a wooden fence and begs for help 4

Take a look at Prue and Bear. They look great for being 3 months old. Since Meeps is still growing, she’ll turn out to be a really cute little girl.

This little kitten gets its head stuck in a wooden fence and begs for help 5

Also see: A loving home is found for a kitten with three legs

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